Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Motivates You?

1.Answers to 'what motivates you?' will run the gamut from money and job security to growth and developmwnt,acceptance,recognition,or just plain fun.This because people differ in their need for structure and contact each others,and their desire for variety.

2.Most people,if asked the above question,will freely tell you what turns them on and propels them to new heights of achievement.They will also tell you quickly what turns them off.

3.This question actually to assess motivation.After you ask this question to the other,you need to listens and focus to their needs.Then you will get plenty of ideas on how to charge their batteries!

4.Once you know what motivates a person,its a matter of doing the best you can to satisfy his or her needs.Remember,"When you go fishing,you bait a hook,not with what you like,but with what the fish likes".

5.Also the above question can be use to find out what drives a person to do something.You also can ask this question "What makes a person want to do their best?" the answer may be pay increases,bonuses,challenging goals,recognition of positive contribution,special assignments,job rotations,rewards and promotions are all examples to motivate you!

6.Motivated person always establish a work environment that triggers enthusiasm or motivated behaviour.

7.Actually,the process of motivation is similar to farming.....different plants require different amount of lght,water and fertiliser.

8.So,motivational technique that serves well with one individual may be useless when use for another.Remenber,one key does not open all the doors!

9.The first step to motivate the others is to determine the other's person need-both physiological and psychological.

10.Mentioned above that what motivates for one person may or may not motivate for another.So we need to be multidimensional in dealing with the needs-may be present rewards and opportunities as a motivational needs,but needs must be periodically satisfied with new rewards,new goals and new challenges.

11.In addition,as the needs change,new approaches aimed at generating enthusiasm and motivated behaviour must be tried.

12.Remember,most people only motivated when everything is satisfied their needs.So when you already know what people need and want,and then proceed to satisfy those requests.....highly motivated person will appear!

13.Remember,most people want to be SOLD,not TOLD.So,the most effective to do is to influence or sell your ideas to motivate people is NOT by making on directing them to do something but making them WANT TO DO SOMETHING!!!

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