Thursday, October 20, 2011



Asthma is an allergic condition resulting from the reaction of the body to one or more allergens,and is the most troublesome or respiratory diseases.

An asthma patient get frequent attack of breathlessness,in between which may even be completely normal.


Asthma is caused by a variety of factors.
Its may be due to an allergy caused by weather conditions(too cool),food,drugs,perfumes,and other irritants.
Allergies to dust (eg pollen) are the common.
Foods which generally cause allergic reactions are wheat,eggs,milk,chocolates,beans,fish,and sea foods.
Heredity and deep-seated emotional insecurity also plays an important role.


Patient suffering from appear to be gasping for breath.
Actually,they have more difficulty in breathing out than breathing in,and this is caused by spasms or sudden involuntary muscular contractionsw of the smaller air passages in the lungs.
The efect is to blow the lungs up because the patient cannot drive the air properly out of the lungs before he has to take another breath.
Most asthmatics have more difficulty at night or early morning.

Home Remedies FOR Asthma

Honey is one of the most common remedies for asthma.
One or two teaspoonfuls of honey provide relief.Honey can also be taken in a cup of milk or water.Honey thins out accumulated mucus and helps it elimination from the respioratory passages.Its also tones up the pulmonary lining and thereby prevents the production of mucus in future.

Lemonm is another fruit found beneficial in the treatment of asthma.
The juice of one lemon,diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals,will bring good results.

Garlic is another effective home remedy for asthma.
Ten garlic cloves,boiled in 30 ml of milk,make an excellent medicine for the early stages of asthma.This mixture should be taken once daily by the patient.
Steaming ginger tea with two minched garlic cloves in it,can also help to keep the problem under control,and should be taken in the morning and evening.

Dietary Consideration

Ideally,asthmati patient diet should contain a limited of carbohydrates,fats,and protein which are 'acid-forming' food,and a liberal quantity af alkali-forming foods consisting of fresh fruits,green vegetables,sprouted seeds,and grains.
The patient should avoid foods which tend to produce phlegm,such as rice,sugar,lentils,and curds.Also must avoid fried and other difficult-to-digest foods,strong coffee,alcoholic beverages,condiments,pickles,sauces,and all refined and processed foods.

Other Measures

The patient should also follow the other law of nature.Air,water and sun are great healing agents.Regular fasting once a week,an occasional breathing exercise,fresh air,a dry climate,light exercises,and correct posture go a long way in treating the disease.

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