Thursday, February 17, 2011


-impacting on our bodies and our minds
-can causes headaches,digestive problems,fatigue,insomnia and make us susceptible to minor illnesses such as colds and flu.
-unrelieved stress can result in increased heart rate,respiration and blood pressure,putting strain on bodily argans such as the heart and lungs.
no one can avoid stress completely
-but there are the ways to manage stress more effectively in our daily lives
-some tips to reduce stress:
1.Look after yourself first and make a time for the things in life you most enjoy e.g .listen o music,karaoke,read abook,chats with friends etc
2.Just relax (do relaxing activities)
3.Get a good night's sleep.
4.Eat healthy
5.Take bath
6.Regular exercises (is a great way to relieve stress),it can strengthen your body and clear the mind)
7.Change your focus by getting a glass of water,standing up,taking short walk etc.
8.Know your limitations,must learn how to say 'NO','I can't','not today' etc.
9.Be honestly with yourself,don't promise more than you can realistically deliver!
10.Tackle the problems/a task immediately,don't forget to delegate the job,you don't always need to do everything yourself!
11.When problems come up,don't ignore them in the hope that they will go away.Solve problems quickly.
12.Be a good listener and than solve the problem arise.The most important thing is how to deal with those problem immediately and move on.
13.Don't hold problem in
14.Accept what you can't change
15.Don't dwell on the past mistake.
16.Ask for help if you need it.
17.Write down the pros and cons of the situations/problems and than put the problems aside and out of your mind,sleep on it and in the morning thing can often seen a whole lot clearer.
18.Take a moment (or two),counting to ten or fiften, gives you the time to think through a problem will reduce your stress
19.Taking a deep breathe,adding oxygen to yous body system will help you relax/reduce stress.
20.Pray and read AL-QURAN.....


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